Sunday, October 20, 2013

Green, Leafy Vegetables

I am a firm believer in the health benefits of leafy, green vegetables such as lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, and collard greens.  I believe that our bodies require a dose of green stuff in order to function more efficiently and stay healthy. For that reason, I usually add one or more leafy greens to my daily meals. The health benefits of these types of vegetables are well known, and even the least informed consumer understands the importance of eating a little lettuce, broccoli, or cabbage with their main meal of the day.
Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t care for green, leafy vegetables or regard them as an unimportant addition to their diets. Scientific research shows that green, leafy vegetables should play a bigger role in a person’s diet because they actually contain more vital nutrients than other foods. 
If you are still not convinced of the importance of eating green, leafy vegetables, consider the following nutritional values of those types of vegetables:
1.     Green, leafy vegetables are rich in most essential vitamins, especially vitamin K which plays an important role in keeping our blood and bones healthy.
2.     They also contain many minerals in their natural form. Some of these greens may even contain more calcium than milk.
3.     They also contain phytonutrients including beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which protect our cells from damage and our eyes from age-related problems, among many other beneficial effects. Dark green leaves even contain small amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids.
4.     They also contain large amounts of fiber that has been shown to help with elimination and prevent obesity by making you feel fuller after eating.
5.     Last but not least, green, leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll which provides many healthy benefits.  One of the best properties chlorophyll has comes from the fact that its molecular structure is almost identical to hemoglobin. Consequently, when you take chlorophyll, it can actually help to do the job of hemoglobin. Chlorophyll helps to rebuild and replenish the red blood cells, boosting energy and increasing wellbeing almost instantly. Eating or drinking chlorophyll helps restore better health and vitality. It also helps eliminate bad breath and offensive body odor.
 Finally, you should know that green, leafy vegetables should be eaten preferably in their raw form, or lightly cooked in order to reap their full benefits.  After reading this post, I hope you will upgrade your greens to a higher spot on your priority list.

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